Remote Work – 8 Healthy Remote Working Tips

woman working on a laptop

Although working remotely has numerous advantages, it also presents several social, mental, and physical challenges. These could include body pains, trouble staying motivated, feelings of isolation, lack of exercise, and difficulty maintaining a healthy diet.

Fortunately, there are a few things you can incorporate to stay fit and maintain your health while working remotely. These rules include avoiding isolation, staying hydrated, exercising, and others. Here, we’ll explore eight healthy remote working tips that will ensure you are at optimal levels always. 

1. Stay Hydrated

One of the best ways to stay healthy while working from home is to drink plenty of water. Drinking plenty of water helps to prevent dehydration, a condition that causes mood swings, tiredness, constipation, and even kidney failure.

The ideal beverage to stay hydrated is water, but you can also have small amounts of tea and coffee. It’s best to avoid energy drinks, sodas, and any other sugary beverages.

an healthy remote working tip is to stay hydrated
Constant Hydration is good for all remote workers

2. Eat a Healthy Diet

Maintaining a healthy diet will help your body and mind function optimally. A nutritious diet is one that prioritizes foods like whole grains, low-fat dairy products, vegetables, and fruits. Also, ensure you eat plenty of nuts, fish, eggs, lean meat, and poultry.

Avoid or limit foods high in salt, sugar, and saturated fat. Examples include processed foods, red meat, and salted nut.

3. Keep Healthy Snacks Close

Besides maintaining a healthy diet, ensure you aren’t skipping meals, most importantly, your breakfast. You may find that you are more aware of your hunger when working from home than you would be at your workplace.

Most people who work from home develop the habit of mindless snacking. However, you can solve this issue by keeping healthy snacks on hand. We recommend munching on healthy snacks such as smoothies, fruits, energy bites, chia pudding, and protein bars.

man eating
Eating a healthy snack helps as well


4. Exercise Regularly

Exercise helps to improve both physical and mental health. The goal of exercising is to avoid long periods of physical inactivity. Regular physical activity helps enhance your cardiovascular system’s performance, muscle strength, endurance, and the delivery of nutrients to your tissues.

You’ll have more energy to complete daily chores when your lung and heart are in excellent condition. You can stay physically active by taking a brisk walk in your local area, pacing during phone calls, or using a mobile app to exercise.

Also, you can practise some yoga or work out on your stationary bike or treadmill. Set a reminder on your phone to exercise so that you don’t miss out on your workout routine. Lastly, replacing your sitting desk with a standing desk may also help you avoid long periods of physical inactivity.

Woman jogging on treadmill in the gym
Woman jogging on treadmill in the gym

It’s okay if you can’t hit the gym every day. However, you can make your home workout effective by making it a habit. Pick up something you like and know you can take up to 30 minutes of your time every day. Creating a workout routine helps to keep your mind relaxed and your body fit.

You can use a fitness watch to help you keep track of the calories you have burned for the day. 

5. Avoid Isolation

At the workplace, people can socialize and share ideas with friends and co-workers. Remote workers, on the other hand, don’t enjoy the benefits of one-on-one interaction. Most people who work from home communicate with friends and co-workers using Meet or Zoom calls.

As social beings, we need connection, and working from home may make it more difficult to create that connection. The lack of human interaction may increase the risk of mental health issues like depression and anxiety. However, you can avoid isolation or social loneliness by keeping in touch with your friends and family.

Set aside time every day to connect with your family members, friends, neighbours, and co-workers, whether in person, over the phone, via text, email, or social media. Discuss your feelings about your job, life, or anything else troubling you with people you trust. Also, you can suggest a game, task, or activity to help strengthen existing relationships.


6. Protect Your Eyes

One of the most important parts of the body is the eyes. Without it, it is impossible to carry out tasks on a computer. Anyone that works long hours on screen should take steps to protect it. 

There are many ways to take care of the eyes. One of the simplest ways to do this is to reduce eye strain. You can do this either by using anti blue light glasses when working on your home system or using the eye comfort shield setting on your device.

Front view Foldable Anti Blue Light Glasses
Anti Blue Glasses protect the eye from long term damage

7. Follow a Schedule

Create a schedule that suits you and ensure you stick to it. Don’t live an erratic lifestyle simply because you are working from home. Working from home has many benefits, so take advantage of them.

Also, get enough rest. Get at least six hours of sleep to rejuvenate your body and mind Use the weekends to relax and stay awake from work. Leave your worktable when the day is over and move on with other tasks.

If you intend to work from home regularly, ensure you make plans that won’t affect your personal and family life. If not, you risk damaging your physical and mental health.

schedule planning for the week
Use your device to create a schedule

8. Take Breaks 

Making out time for breaks prevent  your stress levels from soaring. That is why your work schedule should specific times to pause, play around, and stretch. Avoid making a daunting to-do list that could threaten your psychological well-being.

Have a general idea of the task you’ll like to accomplish for the day and when you will work on them and take breaks.


The quality of your health cannot and should not be sacrificed for work. Burning yourself out only puts your health at risk, and overworking yourself quickly results in stress and fatigue. A healthy lifestyle is something you owe both to yourself and your family.

We’ve provided you with eight healthy remote working tips. These health tips include staying hydrated, eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and creating breaks in your work schedule. Use these tips to stay healthy while working from home.


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